176-cameras bullet-time studio
Bullet-time system
176 DSLR cameras @ 18mp
Preview availability: 22 seconds (jpg), 50 seconds (raw)
Dimension: 22 feet diameter inside a fully blackout studio
Powered by Xangle Camera Server bullet-time software
Constant lights: 10x 240px fully controllable LED system (circumference) + 100px on the ceiling
2x Astera AX5 45W RGBAW Wireless Par Can (mounted on the ceiling, pointing at the center
3x 4’ Digital Sputnik Voyager (not mounted)
1x 4’ Pavotube & 1x 2’ Pavotube (not mounted)
4x Profoto D2 1000w on tripods
Light-painting: LightPaintingTubes, LiteBlades and Visual Poi v4
Located at the heart of the Plateau Mont-Royal in Montréal, Canada (near Métro Sherbrooke)
Booking: sales@xangle.team