You are here as the clouds are about to collide. This is the last instant of visibility right before thunder crumbles. Everything will vanish, falling in the density of the storm’s core.
Now available on Foundation in The Stage World.
Captured at the Xangle Studio in 2022 in Montréal using 176 cameras. By Kim Henry / Eric Paré
Technical details about this project
We made a prototype of this one back in 2020 in a very candid way. There are so many things that we try and leave aside for months or years. That first prototype was shot in low resolution and the timing was not perfect, but we know we had to get back to this at some point. That moment finally happened and this became the Vanishing Point project. Again, we’re using 176 cameras for this one. I am (Eric) right outside of the rig with two remote controls: one for the two smoke machines, and one for the 176 cameras. There is a single source of light on the ceiling (continuous light) and I triggered the cameras at the exact moment before the two clouds went to collide.
Right after cameras are triggered, all the files are sent to the main computer via network cables (Camera -> USB cable -> Raspberry Pi -> Ethernet cable -> Switch -> Computer). We get the preview within a few seconds, which allows us to figure out if the timing was right or not.
We did 33 shots total on that day (times 176 cameras) for 3 different poses
Shot #23, frame #94 before editing (straight out of the camera)
f4.5, 1/125s, iso3200